Steenberg: In Your Garden

In Your Garden


Botanical Name: Helichrysum Cymosum

Common Name: Yellow Everlasting

Helichrysum cymosum is a hardy scrambling, small shrub which has grey wooly leaves with densely wooly undersides. It is a lovely foliage plant to add silver and texture to mixed plantings.

Botanical Name: Geranium Incanum

Common Name: Carpet Geranium

Geranium incanum forms a dense carpet with softly textured leaves. It has flowers almost throughout the year, peaking in summer. The finely textured leaves provide a soft texture in the garden.

Botanical Name: Agapanthus

Common Name: Lily of the Nile

Agapanthus is a fast-growing, evergreen perennial that forms a neat clump. The strappy, mid-green leaves arch gracefully and form a lush green groundcover. The blue or white tubular flowers are  borne in dense clusters on a long stalk up to 1.2m tall. They are long-lasting and trouble free.


Botanical Name: Chionanthus Foveolatus

Common Name: Pock Ironwood

Chionanthus foveolatus is a fairly hardy, evergreen, forest tree that varies hugely in size depending on where it grows. It bears sprays of sweetly scented, white to pale pink flowers from September to January. The purplish-black berries are much sought after by birds.

Botanical Name: Diospyros Whyteana

Common Name: Bladdernut Tree

The bladdernut is an evergreen shrub or small multi-stemmed tree with a straight trunk that branches low down to form a dense, round to pyramidal crown. The bark on young branches is yellow-green to pinkish, covered by fine coppery hairs; but smooth and blackish grey on older stems and branches.

Botanical Name: Juncus Effusus

Common Name: Common Rush or Soft Rush

Juncus Effuses, commonly known as soft rush, common rush, bog rush or mat rush, is a grasslike-like, rhizomatous, wetland perennial that features smooth, upright, cylindrical, unjointed, spire-like green stems (leaves are absent) which grow in spreading basal clumps to 50-100 centimetres tall. It is one of the true rushes.

Indigenous, Endemic Shrubs, Grasses & Trees


Botanical Name: Aloe Maculata

Common Name: Soap Aloe

Aloe maculata is very variable but its distinctly flat-topped inflorescences and usually uniformly coloured flowers distinguish it from most other spotted aloes occurring in the same area. The broad, triangular leaves vary considerably in length and shape, but are mostly recurved towards the dried, twisted tips.

Botanical Name: Leucospermum Cordifolium

Common Name: Pincushion

Leucospermum cordifolium is indigenous to South Africa, characterising large parts of the Cape Floristic Region and testifying to its diversity and beauty.  Leucospermum cordifolium is characterised by its clusters of flowers, which make up spectacularly bright inflorescences at the end of each stem. The inflorescences have a bulb shape to them, resembling pincushions, hence its alternative name.

Botanical Name: Salvia Chamelaeagnea

Common Name: Rough Blue Sage

Salvia chamelaeagnea white is a hardy, evergreen, small to medium sized shrub with light green leaves that make a contrast with the darker green leaves of other shrubs. Spikes of  White flowers are borne throughout the summer and attract nectar-feeding birds and butterflies to the garden.

Botanical Name: Pelargonium Betulium

Common Name: Camphor-Scented Pelargonium

Pelargonium betulium is a hardy, evergreen, rounded, bushy perennial with attractive, aromatic leaves that have purplish-red edges.  The large, showy, pink to white or purple flowers with dark purple streaks are borne from August to October and are beautifully marked with magenta margins on the upper two petals.


Botanical Name: Chionanthus Foveolatus

Common Name: Pock Ironwood

Chionanthus foveolatus is a fairly hardy, evergreen, forest tree that varies hugely in size depending on where it grows. It bears sprays of sweetly scented, white to pale pink flowers from September to January. The purplish-black berries are much sought after by birds.

Botanical Name: Diospyros Whyteana

Common Name: Bladdernut Tree

The bladdernut is an evergreen shrub or small multi-stemmed tree with a straight trunk that branches low down to form a dense, round to pyramidal crown. The bark on young branches is yellow-green to pinkish, covered by fine coppery hairs; but smooth and blackish grey on older stems and branches.

Botanical Name: Leucadendron Laureolum

Common Name: Sunshine Conebush

Leucadendrons are dioecious, i.e. separate male and female plants. This is unusual in the protea family. Its long flowering season (May – Dec), coupled with colourful leaves and bracts surrounding the flowers, make this species anattractive garden plant.

Botanical Name: Polygala Myrtifolia

Common Name: September Bush

Polygala myrtifolia varies in form as it changes to adapt to the different areas it grows in, from the harshness of the coast to the drier inland climates. An evergreen shrub, the most common forms reach about 0.6 to 1.8 m in height with a few upright-growing stems and slender branches densely covered with leaves that resemble myrtle. The oval-shaped leaves are usually 25-50 mm long and up to 13 mm wide. The leaves are light green, dark green or slightly grey.